



Title:Animal community inventory and environmental education planning in Wanwa coastal zone of Miaoli County

苗栗縣後龍鎮灣瓦海岸地區具有豐富的自然資源及人文景觀,本研究主要目的在調查灣瓦區域的動物資源,瞭解其群聚結構,進而提出保育與環境教育區規劃之建議。調查期間自2006年8月至2007年5月,在灣瓦地區研究陸棲之脊椎動物,共記錄75種陸棲脊椎動物。其中陸棲哺乳類共5科11種,兩生類5科8種,爬蟲類8科13種,保育類野生動物有貢德氏赤蛙(Rana guentheri)、眼鏡蛇(Naja naja)、雨傘節(Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus)等3種。鳥類共26科43種,臺灣特有亞種8種,保育類有松雀鷹(Accipiter virgatus)、水雉(Hydrophasianus chirurgus)、彩鷸(Rostratula benghalensis)及紅尾伯勞(Lanius cristatus)等4種。單次觀察鳥類個體數最多的是2006年9月24日的103隻,最少為2007年3月17日的13隻。每月觀察個體數,以2007年1月308隻次最高,2006年12月104隻次最低。鳥類群聚的多樣性指數方面,各月份的Shannon index介於1.44~2.37間;Simpson index介於0.57~0.96間;evenness index介於0.58~0.74間。自2006年12月至2007年5月間,以掃網法與掉落式陷阱杯調查灣瓦之海岸防風林、濕地與草生地,採得節肢動物6844隻,經分類鑑定,共有5綱15目77科,其中非昆蟲節肢動物佔18.9%,以蛛形綱最多;昆蟲綱佔81.1%,個體數以膜翅目20.8%、彈尾目19.3%、雙翅目16.7%與鞘翅目11.3%較多。灣瓦濕地生態系之昆蟲生態功能群組成,植食性功能群佔41.5%,分解者功能群佔34.1%,捕食性功能群佔9.3%。灣瓦地區的礫石海岸,設有漁業資源保育區,保育對象為小眼花簾蛤(Ruditapes variegata),是極具經濟價值的貝類。丘陵地區的過港貝化石層曾於1935年被指定為天然紀念物之一,應設置保護區,加以保護。在灣瓦地區設有21座風力發電機,本研究發現有蝙蝠撞風機死亡,建議未來開發風力資源時,能避開蝙蝠、鳥類的活動區。為保育及永續利用灣瓦地區之自然資源,本研究建議將灣瓦濕地、海岸砂丘地、農地、海岸林、海瓜子保育區、過港貝化石層、白沙屯舊鐵路隧道、半天寮、石滬等規劃為「灣瓦環境教育園區」,並建議相關單位加強生物多樣性之保育與環境教育之推動。

The Wanwa coastal area, Miaoli County, previously is famous for its abundant natural resources and culture landscapes. In order to provide strategies in conservation and environmental education, we started this inventory program on its community structure of terrestrial fauna. From August 2006 to May 2007, we surveyed these area, a total of 75 species of terrestrial vertebrates were recorded. We recorded 11 species, belonging to 5 families, of terrestrial mammals in this area. Amphibians recorded were 8 species in 5 families, and reptiles were 13 species in 8 families. Among these, Guenther’s frog (Rana guentheri), Chinese cobra (Naja naja), and Taiwan banded krait (Bungarus multicinctus) are in the wildlife conservation species list of Taiwan. Avian fauna of Wanwa includes 43 species in 26 families in which Bersa sparrow hawk (Accipiter virgatus), pheasant-tailed Jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus), painted snipe (Rostratula benghalensis), and brown shrike (Lanius cristatus) are rare and endangered and listed in the wildlife conservation species list. The number of individsuals observed was highest on September 24, 2006 (103 individuals), and was lowest on March 17, 2007 (13). Monthly individuals observed was highest on January 2007 (308) and lowest on December 2006 (104). The diversity index of avian community estimated are Shannon index 1.44 to 2.37, Simpson index 0.57 to 0.96, and evenness index 0.58 to 0.74. We recorded 6844 individuals of Arthropoda from Wanwa coastal zone by sweeping net and pitfall trap, and identified as 5 classes, i.e., Arachnida, Diplopoda, Malacostraca, Chilopoda, and Insecta. The most part is Insecta (81.1%), including 15 orders and 77 families . The functional groups of insects in percentage were phytophagous 41.5%, decomposer 34.1%, and predaceous 9.3%. Fishery resource protected areas was set up at the gravel coastal zone of Wanwa for conserving Variegate Venus (Ruditapes variegata), but it was scantly studied. Koukang shell bed had been assigned as natural monument in 1935, we suggest to set up Koukang Shell Fossil Reserve for sustainable management. In Wanwa coastal zone, InfraVest GmbH instituted 21 on-shore wind turbines. We found some bats were killed by turbines. We suggest the wind power development should keep away from activity regions of bats and birds. In order to conserve the nature and to utilize sustainablely, we suggest to establish “Wanwa Environmental Educational Park” that including wetland, sand dune,abandoned farm, coastal windbreaks, Wanwa Fishery Resource Protected Areas, Koukang Shell Fossil Reserve, Paishatung old railroad tunnels, hilly vegetation, and stone tidal weir.
